Jan. 2—GREENSBURG — The winners for the Annual Art on the Square Gallery "We Love Art" competition/show were recently announced.
Winning the People's Choice Award for the Youth Division was Addy Porter for her painting of a quiet country landscape. Annealed Copper Foil

In the Adult Division, Nancy Jobst painted a cardinal perched on a tree branch.
Art on the Square is now beginning their Winter Class Session in the studio in the rear of the gallery with five different sessions.
On January 10, perspective students will learn to embellish wooden blocks with a watercolor picture and with added stitchery and beads.
January 24, the gallery will offer a magazine art class. Students are coached through the process of creating collages with magazine clippings and mixed media and will leave with a piece of artwork ready to frame and hang. All supplies are included with the class, but students are welcome to bring their own selections as well.
February 7, resident artist Margaret Couch Parker will teach a class on creating jewelry with woven copper. Simple paper weaving techniques are combined with copper wire and glass beads. All materials are included with the cost of the class, but students are welcome to make additional pieces for $10 each.
February 21, resident artists will coach creating hand-stitched books for showcasing recipes, journal entries, prayers or sketches. The class will teach how to build books using paper, needle and thread, ribbon, cardboard and glue.
March 7, watercolor artist Judy Glore will instruct a class on painting with watercolors. Glore is a multi-talented artist who has received many awards for her works, and is a regular displaying artists at the gallery.
The cost of the classes is $30 or $125 for the entire winter series.
All classes are from 6 to 8 p.m., and class size is limited so pre-registration is required.
Visit Art on the Square Gallery on the north side of the Square or online at www.artonthesquaregallery.com/.
The gallery's hours are 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Art on the Square is closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
To register for classes or with questions, call 812-663-8600.

Single Matt Copper Foil Contact Bill Rethlake at 812-651-0876 or email bill.rethlake@greensburgdailynews.com